Thank you for your interest in TrueBee and our Natural, Unpasteurized & 100% pure ontario Honey & Beeswax products!
We welcome the opportunity to supply local stores and retailers with our fresh, local unpasteurized honey & beeswax products! We believe in providing customers with the highest quality products and the best value possible! We are also constantly working at eliminating unnecessary production and distribution costs to ensure we can pass along this value to your customers.
We are committed to honest and timely communication with our retailers and building long-term, transparent business relationships with our partnerships. We are passionate about our bees, our honey, our farm & our community. We strongly believe that our outstanding quality honey products inspire health and well-being. As a result, we like to foster retail partnerships that enable us to create new and unique innovative products while supplying the food industry with local, small batch, artisanal honey. Please visit our Products page for a complete list and description of our available honey products.